
Welcome! I am an assistant professor in the Digital Security group at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. I am also affiliated with iHub, the university’s interdisciplinary research hub on Digitalization and Society.

My research studies online privacy from an empirical perspective, often combining large-scale online measurements with methods from human-computer interaction. It aims to identify privacy risks on the Web, in mobile apps, and on smart devices, to understand how companies and users handle them, and to investigate ways to make privacy-enhancing technology more usable for developers and end users. With a dual background in computer security and law, I am broadly interested in the intersection of tech and law and the societal implications of technology.

Before joining Radboud University, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Secure Web Applications Group at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. In November 2022 I obtained my doctoral degree in computer science from Ruhr University Bochum under the supervision of Thorsten Holz and as a member of the interdisciplinary graduate program SecHuman - Security for People in Cyberspace.

My work is published at leading conferences in security & privacy and human-computer interaction and was repeatedly featured at the FTC PrivacyCon in Washington, DC.


  • PhD vacancy! August 21, 2024 I’m hiring a PhD candidate! Please check out the Hiring page to learn more about the position and how to apply.

  • New preprint July 24, 2024 Our new preprint makes a case that Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics contain many dark patterns that should be subject to regulation under Article 25 of the Digital Services Act. This is joint work with colleagues from Utrecht University, Inria, and Indiana University.

  • Conference visit July 15, 2024 I’m attending this year’s Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium in Bristol, United Kingdom, where I was involved in one paper and a poster. Looking forward to meeting new people and discussing exciting research (ideas)!

  • New position! May 1, 2024 I’m excited to share that I joined Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, as an assistant professor in the Digital Security group, which is part of the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences (iCIS). I am also associated with iHub, the university’s interdisciplinary research hub on Digitalization and Society.

  • Guest Lecture Feb 8, 2024 Today I gave a guest lecture at TU Darmstadt, both as part of the lecture “Ingenieurpsychologie” (“Psychology for Engineers”) and in the “Female Lecture series”. Thanks to Alina Stöver for inviting me!

  • New Paper January 13, 2024 Our paper about cross-platform matching of Android and iOS apps was accepted for publication at MSR 2024! This is a collaboration with the SecLab at TU Vienna.

  • Invited Talk December 14, 2023 I visited Chalmers University of Technology in beautiful Gothenburg, Sweden, and gave a talk at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Thanks to Simone Fischer-Hübner and Andrei Sabelfeld for the invitation!

  • Invited Talk November 6, 2023 Today I visited Inria Sophia Antipolis for an invited talk. Thanks to Nataliia Bielova for having me!

  • New paper October 29, 2023 Our paper about the legal, ethical, and practical boundaries of server-side web security scans was accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2024! A preprint is available on the SWAG website.